A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table

Samsa was a travelling salesman.



It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur

boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff.

How to keep healthy?

How to prevent illness? How to live long and feel good?

It depends on each of us. The present age brings many good things and many bad things, we have very poor quality food full of chemicals, we breathe polluted air, the contents of our intestines are contaminated by many bacteria and fungi that our ancestors did not know … Then we wonder where so many cancers, heart attacks, strokes all come from.

So what, then, are the rules to stay in good health?

Generally: we must try as much as we can to return to nature, meaning: a lot of walking, sport, eating as much as we can of real, basic foods and not processed nutrition. We must protect our cells, organs and tissue.

In order to protect something, we must know what we have to protect and against what. Simply put, we have to have our intestines in absolutely perfect condition, as everything starts here. It is a barrier to the entry of a plethora of pathogens. How we get all the essential nutrients into the body depends on the gut. 70-80% of our immune system is in our intestines.

At present we hold the top spot in the incidence of colon cancer in the world: our intestines are in a deplorable condition. 100 years ago the intestines were protected in all people by probiotic bacteria, which everyone received from their mother’s breast milk, but currently we eliminate them daily with antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, NSAIDs … So we lack the basic protection of the intestine.

Previously, people consumed large amounts of flax seeds, which not only very thoroughly and mechanically clean the intestine, but which also contain lignans, which have a potent anticancer effect, and also contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn protect the blood vessels.

So if we protect our intestines, we take the first step in protecting our health.

If the stomach has a sufficiently acidic environment, ionization of minerals occurs which are then about 50% absorbed. If they pass unaltered into the small intestine, then their absorbability is about 5-7%, then we wonder that we lack calcium, magnesium and a number of other very important elements.

To maintain a healthy gut, we must not only follow the steps which I wrote about in the previous section, but we also need a daily (preferably daily) use of herbs to clean the intestines, which rid the bowel of mechanical impurities, chemicals, toxins, etc. Also we still have to maintain in the gut enough so-called probiotic bacteria which prevent colonization of the intestines by putrefactive bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and which also provide for the correct functioning of the intestine.

Each bacterium has its role. Lactobacillus acidophilus and plantarum produce natural substances that destroy pathogens, Lactobacillus salivarius, to put it simply, takes care of maintaining a healthy gut wall, ramnosus looks after the immune system and bifodobacteria produce a range of B vitamins while eating old leftovers in the colon … This unique army, however, has many enemies, and as I have already mentioned, these enemies will also try to quickly multiply and survive.

Sufficient daily intake of probiotic bacteria should be in a dose of 20 billion bacteria per day, in the long term, however, 10 billion per day should be sufficient intake. However, when using antibiotics, it is always necessary to increase the dose and use probiotics from 1 to 2 hours after the antibiotic ingestion.

Thus: a healthy gut = a well-balanced diet + a correct way of eating + flax seed + herbs to clean the intestines + probiotics, and all this on a DAILY BASIS.

Liver, kidney, gall bladder, lymph nodes.

In this chapter I will be very brief. These are very important organs of which we need to ensure regular detoxification.

As for the liver, which is an organ that has enormous importance for our health, detoxification is best carried out every six months, but every day it can help a great deal to take Milk Thistle or liver tinctures.

Liver detoxification can proceed after cleaning the intestines, i.e. at the earliest 2-3 months after initiation of probiotics and herbs to clean the colon, otherwise the blood may remain flooded by a number of toxins from the liver and this detoxification can cause significant temporary deterioration and the reappearance of toxins in the liver.

During detoxification toxins pass from the liver to the intestines and are then excreted out of the body.

Free radicals and antioxidants:

We hear about free radicals every day, how they seriously harm our health and are one of the causes of diseases and aging. We also hear that a possible protection from free radicals might be so-called antioxidants, but what does this actually mean? A free radical is a molecule that lacks an electron and to stabilize, it must steal one from somewhere, and it steals from the closest cell and thereby damages it. The more free radicals, the greater the damage, the more damage, the faster the disease or aging.

A single free radical can destroy any enzyme, protein molecule, the DNA sequence, even the entire cell. Worse, in a split second it can unleash a chain reaction which produces more than a million other deadly free radicals.

Four primary sources of free radicals are:

  • 2.
    Third Environment: air pollution, cigarette smoke, soot, exhaust gases, toxic waste, pesticides, herbicides, ultraviolet radiation, drugs, and even certain foods may generate free radicals in the body.
  • Internal free radical formation: our body constantly produces free radicals as a byproduct of metabolism.
  • Stress factors: aging, trauma, medication, illness, infection and stress itself all trigger the body’s production of free radicals by up to eight times the amount.

Chain reactions: When a free radical “steals” an electron to reset its balance it creates, in the molecule from which the electron was stolen, a new free radical. In many cases, this newly formed radical will try to recover its balance and steal an electron, and so it goes on and on. And remember, it only takes one free radical to destroy an entire cell or strand of DNA.

There does exist protection, however, in the form of antioxidants, which destroy free radicals before they can cause any damage.

I will send separate articles about antioxidants. There is a whole range but what is important here is their composition: each antioxidant destroys a certain free radical and each antioxidant has its own place in the body.

Is this enough?

So, we have been through different sources of damage to our body, the upshot of which is that not only do we need to protect our bodies and keep them clean, but we also have to supply them with all the essential nutrients, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, omega 3, etc. We also have to protect our body against pests, such as free radicals, viruses, bacteria, toxins, pesticides, etc.

Free radicals are however not the only pests. The factors that damage us are many more, and we should create a defense against them all: a few examples … and all good and evil comes from the diet and the environment in which we live:

Free radicals – antioxidants

Heavy metals – chlorella and coriander

Microorganisms – our immunity = intestines + imunoboosters

Organism acidity – de-acidification

circulating immune complexes – enzymes

The immune system:

There are many substances in nature which have been used to strengthen the immune system.

Ancient physicians of Ayurvedic medicine 5000 years ago and also shamanic doctors of Indian tribes of South America, and many others, all used various herbs, plants, and roots to enhance immunity both at the time of infection, and also in the normal diet, possibly even without being aware that they were using ancient forms of prevention.

Currently, it is possible to use this many hundreds of year-old experience to strengthen the immune system.

Our immune system is our protective force, and if we keep it strong and in order neither infection nor cancer will prevail in attacking our bodies.

The most commonly used are (of course, individually in different combinations):

Colostrum, young green barley, Echinacea, onion, garlic, ginseng, ginger, horseradish, SUM, Pau D’Arco, cordyceps, meitake, shitake, reishi.

And what about enzymes (pH zymes)?

Enzymes are a very important part of every organism, they are substances that change one substance into another. Without enzymes there is no life.

There are, however, enzymes with which we can supply the body and which can greatly help in many important defense activities.

Bromelain, well known to all without knowing it, is the enzyme present in almost every enzymatic product, thus for example in Wobenzym. This enzyme greatly accelerates the healing process, removes inflammatory toxins, in short it purifies the blood, joints, etc.

Another important enzyme is nattokinase which until recently was not used by us at all, but in Japan, where it comes from, is one of the substances to which the Japanese credit their longevity. This enzyme has so-called fibrinolytic effects meaning that it can dissolve blood clots. It is naturally found in a soybean called natto and is obtained from this soybean.

Nattokinase has very important features which prevent heart attacks and strokes. 

Health = movement + food + mental health+ genetics + immunity support (5 x 20 %)
Dr. Radan Gocal